Do you want to discover the secrets of the medieval Louvre?
Do you want to answer the Egyptian Sphinx riddles?
Can you guess why the Venus of Milo is so fascinating?
Are you ready to face the despair of the men from Le Radeau de la Méduse?
Can you gaze into Mona Lisa's eyes?
The only answer to those questions is YES!
You are ready for an uncommon approach of Le Louvre essentials.
So just join my visit!
See you soon!
Parcours / Itinirary : Le Louvre médiéval / A history of the medieval fortress - Antiquités grecques et romaines - Greek and Roman Antiquity sculptures - Renaissance et peintures italiennes / Italian Renaissance paintings - Grands formats français et peinture du XIXe - Large formats and 19th French paintings - Galleries des sculptures / Sculptures gallery.
En option / Optional : Gallerie d'Apollon et Appartements de Napoléon III / Apollo's Gallery and Napoleon III appartments.
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